CBS Studios is expanding its NCIS franchise by reviving two beloved characters from the original series, Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David, played by Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo respectively. Paramount+ has greenlit a 10-episode spinoff series, helmed by writer John McNamara, which will reunite the fan-favorite duo for the first time in a decade.
Dubbed NCIS: Europe, the new series will see Tony and Ziva on the run across the continent, embarking on a thrilling journey fraught with danger and emotion. The couple, who have been raising their daughter Tali together in Paris, find themselves targeted after Tony’s security company comes under attack. As they navigate through the perils of Europe, they must confront their past and learn to trust each other again to secure their unconventional happily ever after.
Weatherly and de Pablo expressed their excitement for the project, acknowledging the enduring support of fans who have clamored for a ‘Tiva’ reunion. McNamara, excited to delve into the NCIS universe, teased the international setting of the series while playfully keeping the title under wraps.
The spinoff is set to explore new angles of the NCIS universe, with production slated to take place in Europe. Weatherly, a longtime staple of the original series, departed after 13 seasons, while de Pablo left in Season 11 before making sporadic appearances in subsequent seasons. Both actors have remained close off-screen, previously collaborating on the detective drama MIA.
With the NCIS franchise continuing to thrive after twenty-one seasons, the addition of NCIS: Europe marks its second international extension, following the success of NCIS: Sydney. As anticipation builds for the return of Tony and Ziva, fans can expect an action-packed series filled with the signature blend of love, intrigue, and suspense that has defined the franchise for years.
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