Mark Harmon, renowned for his portrayal of Leroy Jethro Gibbs in NCIS, has officially bid farewell to the show after an illustrious two-decade run. Gibbs’ departure was marked in the 19th season, where he chose to remain in Alaska, paving the way for Sean Murray to step into the role of McGee as the new face of the series in Season 20.
The fan response to this transition has been mixed, with some embracing the change while others mourn Gibbs’ absence. Harmon, in explaining his decision, emphasized his commitment to keeping the character dynamic and evolving.
Although Harmon has exited his on-screen role, he maintains ties with the show behind the scenes, leaving the possibility of a future guest appearance slightly open. The farewell episode, titled “Great Wide Open,” sees Gibbs and McGee teaming up for a case in Alaska, culminating in Gibbs’ decision to stay and part ways with NCIS.
Throughout the episode, subtle nods create a farewell tour atmosphere, acknowledging Gibbs’ legacy. While the moment is bittersweet, many believe Gibbs has earned a respite and the opportunity for solitude. The narrative intentionally leaves the door ajar for a potential return in future seasons, keeping fans intrigued and eager to see what lies ahead.
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