n the upcoming seventh episode of Season 1 of CBS’s NCIS: Sydney, titled “Bunker Down,” team members find themselves in a dire situation. The episode, directed by Kriv Stenders and written by Kim Ho and James Cripps, is set to air on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 8 pm ET/PT.
Season 1 stars Olivia Swann as NCIS Special Agent Michelle Mackey, Sean Sagar as NCIS Special Agent DeShawn Jackson, and Todd Lasance as her 2IC AFP counterpart, Sergeant Jim “JD” Dempsey. The cast also includes Tuuli Narkle as AFP liaison officer Constable Evie Cooper, Mavournee Hazel as AFP forensic scientist Bluebird “Blue” Gleeson, and William McInnes as AFP forensic pathologist Dr. Roy Penrose.
In the episode “Bunker Down,” a U.S. Navy researcher is found dead at a tech launch in a secret underground bunker, leading part of the team to investigate. However, they find themselves trapped inside with limited oxygen when the bunker fails to open.
The series revolves around a multinational taskforce of U.S. NCIS agents and the Australian Federal Police (AFP), dealing with rising international tensions in the Indo-Pacific. Led by NCIS Special Agent Michelle Mackey and her 2IC AFP counterpart, Sergeant Jim “JD” Dempsey, the team must navigate jurisdictional tussles and cultural clashes to solve naval crimes in the most contested part of the ocean.
Sassy AFP Constable Evie Cooper and Special Agent DeShawn Jackson form a fast friendship, while forensic pathologist Dr. Roy Penrose meets his match in the brilliant young forensic scientist Bluebird “Blue” Gleeson. Together, the team becomes NCIS’ first internationally blended family.
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